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How to ask for help (and actually get it!)

As a front end developer, you'll inevitably hit roadblocks. Asking for help is crucial, but doing it effectively can save everyone time and frustration. Here's 10 tips on how to be a good mentee:

1. Set up a repo and deploy early

Git version control is key to success anyway, so get into this habit now if you don't alreay do this as a first step in every project!

Having a fresh git repository set up from the start will help you to get help quickly. Committing regularly not only tracks your progress but also allows you to easily share your code with others.

As well as the code repository link, we need to see the result. Show, don't tell. Deploy your work (even a basic, unfinished version) to a live environment — like Netlify or Vercel (or even Github Pages for simple projects). This gives your mentor a clear picture of the issue and allows them to interact directly with your code in the browser.

Code is readable, but screenshots, photos and videos are usually not. Instead of sharing screenshots of your code, just provide those links to your repository and deployed version up front!

Context matters, and often we need to see more of it than you think. Being able to see how files are structured in the project, to check a completely different file to what you expect, or to inspect in browser is often essential. And for some issues — like styling problems — it is simply FAR quicker to debug in browser.

Provide both links, so we can find the information we need quickly and efficiently to be able to help you.

3. Be specific!

Saying things like: "It's not working" just isn't helpful. Clearly articulate the problem, like "My button isn't changing color on hover" or "I'm seeing a horizontal scrollbar unexpectedly".

Try to explain how you've already tried to solve the problem, what isn't working as you expected it to, or any steps you've followed along with what happened as a result.

For example, this is a great start: "The form is not submitting correctly. I'm getting an error in the console". But we need more information than that. If you're encountering errors, copy and paste the exact error messages so we can see what you see.

Similarly, if you are encountering problems deploying, list out every command you've done, in order and include what the output was in the console each time. In these cases you can take screenshots of the console, but it helps to write out specifics of any errors.

4. Visual aids can help

With some queries, some extra information or context can really help.

For example, if your question relates to design, include sketches, mockups, or links to those designs.

If we need specific images or extra information to understand your issue, don't hesitate to provide them! Just try to make sure they are clear and have relevant parts highlighted where necessary.

5. Put yourself in a mentor's shoes

Remember that locker-room scene from Jerry Maguire when he yells "Help ME help YOU" over and over again?

Still from the movie 'Jerry Maguire' where he's looking imploringly to the camera and words overlaid say 'Help ME, Help YOU!'

I think of this almost every day in the context of trying to help people with front end developmemt or accessibility queries. It's so frustrating for us when we can't help you because of simple steps you've not taken (like sharing code AND deployed links).

Bear in mind that mentors are busy. Make it easy for us to understand your problem. Think about what information someone with no prior context of the problem will need in order to understand and answer it.

The more organised and clear you are, the quicker and easier it will be for everyone.

6. Embrace ALL feedback

When experienced professionals look at your requests for help, we bring our own expertise and will look at the problems through our own lens. Often that means we will look beyond the question you've asked.

Welcome feedback that extends beyond your initial question. Mentors may identify areas for improvement you hadn't considered and that's a great thing, even if it doesn't answer the original query at all!

Also, consider that sometimes the best solution may differ from what you initially envisioned. Be open to alternative approaches and suggestions.

7. Be prepared for advice to "Step back"

Mentors may sometimes suggest revisiting earlier parts of your project, moving back to an easier challenge, or even starting all over again. This isn't meant to be discouraging and doesn't come from a desire to be overly-critical or perfectionist. It's not personal either.

If this happens to you, please understand that mentors have your best interests at heart.

When learners overstretch themselves, move onto projects they're not ready for, or are missing some foundational understandings, they're setting themselves up for frustration and failure.

We want to help you build strong base. Unfortunately, just as with phyisical building construction, sometimes that means digging up what's there and re-laying those foundations!

It feels horrible to be told you need to go back a step (or several), but it's worth it in the long run, trust me. Once those foundations are solid and those missing pieces are in place, you'll start to make much faster progress with your learning.

8. Understand the "Issue Dump"

I do this a lot. My feedback style is generally a bulleted list of problems or potential improvements I can spot in someone's front end code. It may come across as abrubt sometimes, but this is simply efficiency in action.

When a mentor lists out multiple issues, it's an effort to help you efficiently address potential problems upfront.

There isn't often time for long conversations, calls or videos, although I will always try and answer follow up queries if things are unclear.

It's also good to get used to this while you're learning... because once you're on the job you will encounter long bug lists and comments on your pull requests regularly!

9. Leverage the Frontend Mentor Discord server

The Frontend Mentor Discord server is a valuable resource for anyone learning front end development.

Just make sure you use the appropriate channels (like #🤔-help for questions or #🦄-random for random chat!) and follow the server rules.

It's a very active community. There are loads of questions already answered and feedback you can search through. And there are lots of talented people on hand to help you learn.

10. There are NO stupid questions

Don't be scared to ask!

I'll add: Don't be down on yourself, don't call yourself a "noob" and don't apologise for asking more questions. We've all been there. That's how we learn — by asking!

Everyone is on their own journey, and everyone has their own strengths. Even after decades, I still learn new things every day. I may be an expert in some areas but there are plenty of others where I am woefully ignorant.

Remember that we're all learners, even experienced senior developes. Every one of us writes bad code or builds inaccessible stuff sometimes and looks back on it horrified later on. The point is, we learn, we improve, we grow. There is nothing remotely shameful about that.

Never delete solutions after receiving feedback or feel ashamed of making mistakes, no matter how many there are. You'll want that work and that feedback to look back on later and celebrate how far you've come.

Ask. Learn. Refactor. Ask again...


My top 10 tips to be a good mentee and get help with front end are:

  1. Set up a repo and deploy early
  2. Share links, not screenshots
  3. Be specific
  4. Visual aids can help, if needed
  5. Put yourself in a mentor's shoes:
  6. Embrace ALL feedback
  7. Be prepared for advice to "Step back"
  8. Understand the "Issue Dump"
  9. Leverage the Frontend Mentor Discord server
  10. There are NO stupid questions

By following these tips, you'll become a more effective learner and be able to access help more quickly when you need it.